Order To-Go During Dine-In Pause
November 19, 2020
Following Michigan’s “Pause to Save Lives” November 18 Epidemic Order, Sleder’s will be pausing indoor dining for three weeks: November 18, 2020 to December 8, 2020. We join schools, theaters, and other indoor gathering places in the effort to stop the rising spread of COVID-19. Small, family-owned and operated restaurants such as Sleder’s Family Tavern […]
Now Hiring All Positions
August 26, 2020
Sleder’s Family Tavern, Michigan’s oldest continuously operating restaurant, established in 1882, is looking to hire experienced staff in both the front and back of the tavern. We are a family-owned and operated business with longterm employees, some having been working here since the 1990s. Some employees also return every year on their breaks from college, […]
Sleder’s in the News: “In A Post-COVID-19 World, Will The Moose Ever Again Be Smooched?”
August 2, 2020
Inquiring minds want to know: Can we still smooch the moose? The following article by 9&10 Brighid Driscoll, 9&10 News digital journalist, first appeared in the GTPulse July 20, 2020. See the original publication here. GTPulse: In A Post-COVID-19 World, Will The Moose Ever Again Be Smooched? Yes, Sleder’s is open and serving guests who […]
Open for Dine-In, Al Fresco, Carryout, and Curbside Pickup
June 6, 2020
Following Michigan’s Safe Start Plan for Northern Michigan on May 22, Sleder’s welcomed its first al fresco diners on the patio and poured its first draft beers at the 138-year-old bar since March 15. Then on May 30th, Sleder’s welcomed back it first indoor diners! While we operate at 50% capacity per Michigan’s Safe Start […]
Slow and Steady Wins the Race: “Northern Michigan restaurant owners excited, but nervous heading into Memorial Day Weekend”
May 23, 2020
Sleder’s Family Tavern, Michigan’s oldest, continuously operated restaurant, established in 1882, is featured in May 22, 2020 article from The Oakland News as Northern Michigan’s Stay and Home Order permits restaurants to open for indoor dining at 50% capacity. The newspaper’s interview with Sleder’s owner, Megan Cox, highlights Sleder’s slow and steady approach to reopening: […]
Al Fresco Dining Coming Soon
May 22, 2020
Coming June 2020, Al Fresco Dining at Sleder’s. Here is Sleder’s owner Megan Cox posting the signage about keeping 6 feet from others in the new al fresco dining area. All staff will be wearing masks, and we are practicing all preventive measures to stop the spread of COVID-19, including guidance from the CDC, FDA, EPA, the […]
Happy Mother’s Day!
May 10, 2020
Missing you all on Mother’s Day! Sleder’s is closed today, but we send our love and cheer to all the moms. Have a grand and glorious day! We hope to see you again soon!